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The Property Room Seminar

Niche Property Investment Advisor


The easiest way to describe The Property Room is that we do investment properties that are outside the box. We locate, assess & manage projects that other companies deem too difficult and our job is to make it as easy as possible for our clients. 

We have completed over 700 property deals across Australia and New Zealand for our clients across a 15 year period.

We have made it our mission to find and develop the highest yielding properties and the fastest equity increase developments that you won't find anywhere else. In order to build a healthy property portfolio, you need two fundamental ingredients: 1) Cashflow & 2) Growth. These properties can be purchased inside and outside your Self managed Super Fund which allows our clients to retire in 10 years instead 50.

Inspecting construction site in Melbourne

We have hand selected our team which has a background of Mortgage Brokers, Financial Advisers, Town planners, Real Estate Agents, Builders & Developers. If you want to build a property portfolio, then you need a team of experts to help.

A real estate agent knows the market in their area. We pursue to know all markets across Australia and New Zealand and give educated advice on all aspects of real estate. This incorporates finance updates, data driven advice, statistical analysis and most of all - experience.

Everyday we continue to learn so that we can make our clients money - this is our profession.


You can talk to us, you can watch our webinars, read our articles, come to our seminars, we can meet at events or we can meet over a zoom video call.

Inspecting a future construction site in Melbourne
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