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Property in Super

"44% of Australians would use Superannuation to buy a property if they could"


Source: Finder Consumer Sentiment Tracker, March 2023

Did you know, you may be able to use your Superannuation to buy an Investment Property?
Thousands of Aussies are making the switch from their everyday industry super funds  to a Self-Managed Super Fund and diversifying their investment strategy from Stocks & Shares to include Bricks & Mortar - utilising an investment property.

Using super to buy an investment property

Successful Investors understand the safest way to obtain their financial goals is to diversify their investment strategies. Utilising a Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) to buy property is a perfect great way to diversify a portfolio and plan for the future. 

If a client wishes to purchase an investment property in their Super, there are 2 main ways in which they can do so. Some clients with a large amount of capital in their Super may choose to buy a property outright using their Super balance. However, for the clients that are eligible, the majority will look to use a portion of their Super as a deposit for a property and get lending from a bank that specialises in lending to Super Funds to fund the balance. 

The structure of a SMSF needs to be carefully balanced and structured by a licensed financial planner. Our financial planning partners will assess your goals with the aim to develop a retirement strategy personalised to the members of your Super Fund (whether it's just you, or you & your family). They will carefully take into consideration each member's life and retirement goals and devise an investment plan geared to their particular risk appetite, career timeline and personal objectives. 

Buying property in Super is not a strategy that suits everyone and unfortunately not everyone will be eligible. Click here to see if you may be eligible.

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